Discipline in typography is a prime virtue. Individuality must be secured by means that are rational. Distinction needs to be won by simplicity and restraint. It is equally true that these qualities need to be infused wiht a certain spirit and vitality, or they degenerate into dullness and mediocrity.
―Stanley Morison
Left Border
<div class="pa4"> <blockquote class="athelas ml0 mt0 pl4 black-90 bl bw2 b--blue"> <p class="f5 f4-m f3-l lh-copy measure mt0"> Discipline in typography is a prime virtue. Individuality must be secured by means that are rational. Distinction needs to be won by simplicity and restraint. It is equally true that these qualities need to be infused wiht a certain spirit and vitality, or they degenerate into dullness and mediocrity. </p> <cite class="f6 ttu tracked fs-normal">―Stanley Morison</cite> </blockquote> </div>
.bl { border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; } .b--blue { border-color: #408bc9; } .bw2 { border-width: .25rem; } .athelas { font-family: athelas, georgia, serif; } .fs-normal { font-style: normal; } .tracked { letter-spacing: .1em; } .lh-copy { line-height: 1.5; } .black-90 { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .9); } .pa4 { padding: 2rem; } .pl4 { padding-left: 2rem; } .ml0 { margin-left: 0; } .mt0 { margin-top: 0; } .ttu { text-transform: uppercase; } .f5 { font-size: 1rem; } .f6 { font-size: .875rem; } .measure { max-width: 30em; } @media screen and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 60em) { .f4-m { font-size: 1.25rem; } } @media screen and (min-width: 60em) { .f3-l { font-size: 1.5rem; } }
Css stats for this component
- Gzipped Size
- 360B
- Selectors
- 18
- Declarations
- 19
Install via npm Only installs the needed tachyons-modules for this component
npm i --save tachyons-borders tachyons-border-colors tachyons-border-widths tachyons-font-family tachyons-font-style tachyons-letter-spacing tachyons-line-height tachyons-skins tachyons-spacing tachyons-text-transform tachyons-type-scale tachyons-typography