Clay in a Potter's Hand

PERFECT typography is more a science than an art. Mastery of the trade is indispensable, but it isn't everything. Unerring taste, the hallmark of perfection, rests also upon a clear understanding of the laws of harmonious design. As a rule, impeccable taste springs partly from inborn sensitivity: from feeling. But feelings remain rather unproductive unless they can inspire a secure judgment. Feelings have to mature into knowledge about the consequences of formal decisions. For this reason, there are no born masters of typography, but self- education may lead in time to mastery.

It is wrong to say that there is no arguing about taste when it is good taste that is in question. We are not born with good taste, nor do we come into this world equipped with a real understanding of art. Merely to recognize who or what is represented in a picture has little to do with a real under- standing of art. Neither has an uninformed opinion about the proportions of Roman letters. In any case, arguing is senseless. He who wants to convince has to do a better job than others.

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    <h1 class="mb3 mt0 lh-title">Clay in a Potter's Hand</h1>
    <time class="f6 ttu tracked gray">Jan Tschichold</time>
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      PERFECT typography is more a science than an art. Mastery of the trade is
      indispensable, but it isn't everything. Unerring taste, the hallmark of
      perfection, rests also upon a clear understanding of the laws of harmonious
      design. As a rule, impeccable taste springs partly from inborn sensitivity:
      from feeling. But feelings remain rather unproductive unless they can inspire a
      secure judgment. Feelings have to mature into knowledge about the consequences
      of formal decisions. For this reason, there are no born masters of typography,
      but self- education may lead in time to mastery.
    <p class="lh-copy measure">
      It is wrong to say that there is no arguing about taste when it is good taste
      that is in question. We are not born with good taste, nor do we come into this
      world equipped with a real understanding of art. Merely to recognize who or
      what is represented in a picture has little to do with a real under- standing
      of art. Neither has an uninformed opinion about the proportions of Roman
      letters. In any case, arguing is senseless. He who wants to convince has to
      do a better job than others.


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