If it fits, i sits burrow under covers. Destroy couch leave hair everywhere, and touch water with paw then recoil in horror.
If it fits, i sits burrow under covers. Destroy couch leave hair everywhere, and touch water with paw then recoil in horror.
<article class="br2 ba dark-gray b--black-10 mv4 w-100 w-50-m w-25-l mw5 center"> <img src="" class="db w-100 br2 br--top" alt="kitty"> <div class="pa2 ph3-ns pb3-ns"> <div class="dt w-100 mt1"> <div class="dtc"> <h1 class="f5 f4-ns mv0">Cat</h1> </div> <div class="dtc tr"> <h2 class="f5 mv0">$1,000</h2> </div> </div> <p class="f6 lh-copy measure mt2 mid-gray"> If it fits, i sits burrow under covers. Destroy couch leave hair everywhere, and touch water with paw then recoil in horror. </p> </div> </article>
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